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Meet Year 6!
May 2010 - Looking good!

Year 6JW

Year 6JW
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Class 6LBa!

Class 6LBa!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's good to be .... Uzair

I am originated in 6 different places, the best thing about me is I have good friends and I aim to be a lawyer.


Charlotte said...

Wow Uzair!
A lawyer! Awesome!

richard said...

I like you Uzair because you're never angry at anyone and you always have a smile on your face.


Tomas said...

HEY Uzair,

I know will be an Exelent Lawyer.


James M. said...

You are a good friend Uzair and I think you'll be a great lawyer!

James D said...

Ull be a great lawer Uzair and your really kind and generous! good look!

James D

Dylan said...

6 different countries! Wow! Thats amazing! I think your really kind as well.


RoryQ said...

I like u uzair because u never get cross at any one

Jamal said...

I cannot believe you originated from 6 different places.I am your best friend and you did not tell me!

Alizaky said...

I like you because you really do kind stuff to other people.

Uzair said...

Today three people said I am kind.
One person said I am funny another said fun. Finally one person said
I am a good best friend.


Felix said...

I think its very interesting that you are originated from 6 different places. I also think you will be a great lawyer.


Francesca said...

Hey Uzair
WOW a layer thats cool