Today we heard that Uzair was sadly leaving in three weeks.
Adam: I have known Uzair for 5 years and have really enjoyed being his classmate every year. I am really annoyed that he is leaving as it is fun to play football with him and make fun of Liverpool! Uzair is the kindest boy I know and I have never had a fight with him. I wish him all the best in London. I hope I can see you there. You have been great!
Tomas: When I arrived in year 5 I realised that Uzair was a really nice boy. He is kind, gentle and friendly. I really enjoy playing football at school with him. You are the best striker in the class. When you shoot you have an amazing power that not many people have. I wish you all the best.
What a lovely post boys. Thank you - I'm sure Uzair will be really warmed by your generous comments.
I too have known Uzair for over 5 years - he was one of my original pupils in my first ever Kings class (in year1). Lots of fond and happy memories from then and now!
We all wish Uzair all the best for his move and will miss him lots - he is a STAR!
Mr Watson
that was a realy nice comment you boys made i think uzair will be really touched by it. it was really upseting when i heard about it to
elie amitrano
I hope you have a good time in England.
You are one of my best friends.
I will never forget you.
Even though were both new it seems like you have always been our friend. Wish you all the luck in England and hope you have a good time
By the way, e-mail me if Liverpool win.
Dylan and Felix
Dear Uzair you have been a one in a million friend. I WILL REALLY MISS YOU !!!!!!
I will really miss you Uzair.
I hope you like it in england and your new school, i bet you will have fun and make lots of new friends.
I will really miss you Uzair because I've known you since I came in year 5. You are a very helpful, caring, responsable person. I know that everyone will miss you but if we can all keep on touch, using the blog, then we will always get to speak to you. Uzair, you are a great friend and I will never forget you.
I am very sad you are leaving.
I totally agree with Adam and Tom.
Even though I have not known you for long the time but I have definetly made the best of it with football-you have been a valuble member of the school team and also at lunchtimes I have had great fun playing with you. You are a great soul and you never have a angry temper tantrum. You are calm and gentle and I will miss you alot. Good luck in England and I hope you have fun while you are watching the Liverpool matches and I am sure you will make loads of friends
I will miss you loads Uzair
Josh D
I too have known you for 5 and a bit years and for every minute of it you've been kind, genorous and caring. You are just about the best friend anyone could have ( the only bad thing is supporting Liverpool!). Thank you so much Uzair for being a great friend :)
Oh Uzair, I really don't want you to leave, I'm sure no-one does. You are one of those boys who doesn't mind to do anything, never gives up, and is sooooooooooooooo caring. I will love to keep in touch with you.
Hey Uzair!
I really don't want you to leave...I have known you ever since year 1 !!!! When I started in year one you had a smile on your face!
Mols :)
Dear Uzair,
I am so sad to hear this news!:( You are a really nice guy ,and I really hope you like your new School, they will defiently like you!All the best Olivia
It is really sad news that you are leaving! You have been a brill member of Kings' since year 1. Hope you enjoy your time at your new school!
I will really miss you. I hope you have a good time at your new school!
we will mis u
Hi Tomas
That is realy nice of you
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