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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Matthew talks about Adrian Hayes

Adrian Hayes Review

Today in school Adrian Hayes, an international adventurer, came into assembly and gave us a speech about his expeditions; going across Greenland, to both poles and climbing Everest. Adrian Hayes told us some really interesting information about his adventures and about global warming, I think the most interesting fact that I found out today was that he was the 15th person in the world to climb Everest and go to both Poles, also he did it in the quickest time ever. Another really interesting fact was that if everyone lived like Europeans then we would need three worlds to live on, if everyone lived like they do in Canada and the U.S.A then we would five worlds to live on and if everyone lived like they do in the U.A.E we would need seven worlds to live on. He then came over to year 6 and answered our questions that we made up for him.

I don't think that I would ever dream of doing any of the climbing or hiking that Adrian Hayes has done because I think it is far to risky and just naturally not what I want to do when I'm older. I definitely think he is an inspirational person and inspired me to look after the environment more than I have been doing.

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