On Friday 20th November my dad took me to the desert to ride on a quad bike. I was riding down the highest and steepest dune, but I decided to do a turn when my engine was on maximum. OH NO ... !! . I did a 180 degree skid and the quad bike flipped over but thankfully I jumped off at the last second. ''THAT WAS CLOSE !!''Jamal
That was a really close escape Jamal its a bit cool as well.
I would have been terrified!
I also would have stayed on!
Great reflexes!
Adam B.
Wow Jamal that was close lucky you didnt get hurt But I bet it was fun!
Josh D
That must of been quite scary and cool at the same time!
wow that sounds cool
I AGREE with Adam i would of been so scared i would of just sat on the quad bike in the not knowing what to do!very brave but cool too and scary! :-O Your dad with have a great thing to right about in his autobiography!
Hazel :~P
THANK GOD! We couldnt restist you being hurt because your such a great member of our class!
Wow Jamal that was really brave. I would just scream and sit there on the Quad bike. It must of been fun.good thing you didnt get hurt!:)
CLOSE!!!!!! Great quick thinking I know I couldn't think that quick.
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