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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Josh D on Adrian Hayes

Adrian Hayes Visit to Kings Dubai
On the 10th/11/09 Adrian Hayes came to visit Kings Dubai to give the year sixes and the rest of the school a talk about his latest trip to Greenland.
He started off talking to us about the trip and what he had to do and what training he did like pulling a tyre across the desert. After that he showed us a slide show on the earth and where it was and what you have to do to get there. Then he showed us a ten minute video about his trip. He also showed us a very powerful video featuring pollution and animals and basically killing our earth made by his son’s class.
After that he came back to the year six classroom and we started the interview. Once we read the question he would answer it in detailed answers.
We found out that:
o The North Pole was the hardest
o His greatest achievement was summiting Everest
o All the trips took the same amount of training
o The tempo was between -59 and 10 degrees Celsius
o He was the fittest in his team up Everest
o 15th person up Everest
o 3 more people have done it since
o He is going through the desert and the south pole next
o He trained by pulling tyres with things in it
o He is very good at geography
o The length for his quest to Greenland is the same length as going from London to Cairo

After that we all stood with him for a photo and some of us got his autograph. We really enjoyed having him and I hope he can come again.

Josh D

1 comment:

Ellie Amitrano said...

i realy like your comment on Adrian Hayes i am sure he will like it

ellie amitrano