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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Similes and Metaphors


If you are reading a book and spot a powerful simile and metaphor, or just some excellent description add it as a comment to this post.

We can share it in class and help each other improve our own use of these great literacy skills. We will be using these in our MYST writing too.

House points will be awarded for super research and quality comments.

Enjoy reading and finding.


Hazel said...

blue as the blossom on the Jacaranda treehair glistened like the belly of the golden toad that squats on the lily leaves of the Macrami rive
white as the moon
legs like matchsticks - Journey to the Riversea.


Molly said...

Sharp as daggers
slow as a turtle
fast as a cheetah
cute as a kitten
angry as a bull

The sun is a bouncy ball
The grass is a green carpet


Charlotte said...

Toes like hatchlings exploring a new land.
Skin as pale as milk.
Trees growing out of the ground like monsters from the underground.
Clouds are like pillows floating helplessly.


Rory Q said...

As gullible as a white tiger in a chinesee dentist