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Class 6LBa!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Useful: Spellings and Definitions for Vaiation & Classification Theme

Useful: Spellings and Definitions

amphibian    -  Vertebrate with smooth damp skin that lays soft eggs in water

animal   -   Living thing that is not a plant

arachnid   -  Animal with 4 pairs of jointed legs, e.g. spiders

bird   -   Vertebrate with feathers that lays hard eggs on land

characteristic  -   Another word for feature

classification -  Putting things into groups

environmental variation  - Differences that have happened since birth, caused by our surroundings

feature  - How an organism looks or behaves

fish  - Vertebrate with scales, fins and gills

inherited variation   - Differences that have been passed on genetically from our parents

insect - Animal with three pairs of jointed legs, a segmented body and external skeleton

invertebrate - An animal without a backbone

mammal - Vertebrate with hair or fur that gives birth to live young

mollusc - Animal with a fleshy pad which it crawls on, e.g. snail

organism - Any living thing

reptile - Vertebrate with scales that lays soft eggs on land

segments - Parts of the body of some invertebrates

species - Group of organisms that can breed to produce fertile offspring

variation - Differences between organisms

vertebrate - An animal with a backbone

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