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Meet Year 6!
May 2010 - Looking good!

Year 6JW

Year 6JW
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Class 6LBa!

Class 6LBa!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

King of the Week (6JW) Week 7 & 8 - Corynn

Congratulations to Corynn.

We picked her out of the bag to be our next King of the week in 6JW. Unfortuantley she was off sick with the chicken pox so we had to wait a few days before giving her the praise in circle time she deserves.

We said lots of lovely things about her in class - add more positive comments about Corynn to this post.

We think that Corynn:

is Very helpful & really kind
has a great personality
Always cheer people up
Hardworking and never give up
Caring, helpful and always helps people
is really funny and friendly
has good leadership skills
is always happy and has an infectious smile
has a positive attitude to work
has a heart of gold
is energetic and fun to play with
Knows when to work and when to have fun
always make people smile
is gentle, smiley and fun to be around
is trustworthy, honest and thoughtful

Well done for being such a fantastic person - a great member fo the class!


Oisin said...

well done Corynn you fully desereve that and I could go on for ages with more comments.

Francesca said...

Hey Corynn
Its me Francesca I'm really sorry I couldnt be there I thought I had the chicken pox but I actually only have an allergy but any way
well done for getting King of the week and I think you are a really kind girl and if something happens to any one you are allways there for them


RoryQ said...


Daniela said...

Well done!
What does unfortuantly mean?