My highlights for this term had to be March of the Penguins, Myst, Oliver and Dibba. My overall favorite would be Dibba because i had so much fun conquering the rock climbing wall and going over jumps in mountain biking. Myst was excellent to because i really enjoyed improving our descriptive writing (and playing the game). I thought it was a really good idea to base descriptive writing on a PC game. March of the Penguins was fun because we had to put all are knowledge of the computers and put them into the one big thing. It was also really great because we got to show off are computer skills and use are imagination. Oliver, Oliver, Oliver cannot get over how brilliant it was, everyone put sssoooo much effort and enthusiasm into it it almost was as good as the original play. I really enjoyed learning the lines and going through the different parts of the play.
Ys, this term i had so much fun Ihope everyone else did to.
13 years ago
1 comment:
This term has been really good!!! My hightlights were Myst,Dibba,Victorian day and oliver.
I enjoyed Myst because it was action packed and full of suspense!
We also played the game Myst and it was really good.
I enjoyed Dibba because there were loads of activaties such as
rock climbing
I really enjoyed all of the activaties and I would like to go back again!!!
Oliver was really good. I thought everyone did very well. My favourite song was food glorious and my favourite scene was also the first scene!
Victorian Day
I really enjoyed victorian day. I thought everyone stayed in character really well. Mr Whitehead was really scary and every time Miss Bates shouted it made me jump!
Thanks for a great second term!
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