Victorian Day 27/03/10
Victorian day started off with lining up for assembly where I got sent to the back of line and then got screamed at by Mr.Whitehead!
Then the boys and girls went into seperate classrooms and did different thing. The boys started off with writing to ten. Easy, right? Astonishingly I missed the 5 so my page went 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10! I had to count to 5 ten times and that was really embarrasing. Nothing more could go wrong, the day is only 4 hours and a half. Mr.Watson realised that Mr.Whitehead wanted me to where the Dunce hat! So for 15 minuts I stood in the corner facing the wall with a hat on me. Later we learned about the potatoe and Zac said Norway is part of Great Britain so he got the Dunce hat!
We then learned about apples and I started tossing mine so guess what, I got the Dunce hat again.
We did some marching in P.E then we ate some gruel which was................... not brilliant! I wouldn't be able to live on that everyday!
Victorian day was fun but I never would want to be a Victorian child! The classooms looked great! Thankyou Miss Bates, Mr Watson, Mr Whitehead, Mrs Watson, Mr Rowles and Mrs Kenny.
By Adam Bouaziz
13 years ago
Poor you dunce!!! Zacs Norway remark was funny.
Awwww. Hope you enjoyed getting the DUNCE hat!
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