This term has been the best ever! We have done such great things that I will tell you about.
Dibba: On Tuesday 9th February, year 6 went to Dibba. We got involved in so many different activities like:
Mountain Biking (My Favourite)
Night Walk
GPS Navigation
Talent Show
Rock Climbing
Abseiling (SCARY!)
Archery (COOL!)
All the activities were so much fun and I hope to go to Dibba again in Secondary School.
March of the Penguins: In school, we learnt all about Emperor Penguins and watched March of the Penguins. We used Photostory and made a Penguin video with facts and info.We also did powder paintings and presentations on the penguins.
Myst: Year 6 discovered this Myst lll Exile game, and all wrote a descriptive page of the scenery in the game. Once they were finished, we put them together and made a book. The book is now in the Library available for anyone to read.
Oliver: Year 6 put on a show called: A Little Twist of Oliver, we all had a speaking line and even some people had a solo. We performed to the school on Monday morning and then to the parents on the Tuesday evening. It was absoloutely brilliant and I enjoyed it soooooooooooooooooooo much.
Macbeth: After the Oliver show, the teachers thought we had been working soooooooooooo hard, they decided to take us to the Macbeth show. It was super, and I am sure everyone enjoyed it. My favourite character was the door answerer ( AKA the funny guy!). He entertained the audience, and told great jokes!
Victorian Day: On Thursday 27th March, year 6 experianced the life of victorian children. We learned what they did, and even had some P.T Drills. Dan probably got caned the most, he even had to come into the girs room!
Term 2 has been great, I have loved it. We have learned such grest things and have been on fantastic trips.
13 years ago
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