This term was by far my best term yet at Kings Dubai!
Here are my highlights:
March of the penguins photo stories: During ICT week, all of year 6 made a penguin documentary using only pictures on photo story 3. I think mine was a success. I was too embarrassed to show it to all of year 6 so, we just showed it in front of the class. I think there were a lot of really good ones.
Dibba!!!!: On the 9th of February we all went off to North Star adventure camp. It was SO much fun and the best thing we did all year! I was in a cabin with Ashleigh, Angela and Natasha and we had fun staying up late, having sweets and listening to the funky monkeys making noise next door (thank you Lauren!).
Sports day: Shortly after we returned from Dibba we had our sports day. My favourite activity was basketball shooting. I found it annoying when we had to have a drink after our 1st activity. In the end the results of the year 4,5 and 6 sports day were: Windsor 4th, Hanover 3rd, Tudor 2nd and Stuart 1st.
A little Twist of Oliver: After all of the above, we finally started to put 'A little Twist of Oliver' together.the first thing we did was audition in front of our class. This was something everyone had to do. After those auditions we had MORE auditions. We had to sing Consider Yourself in front of year 6. This was optional. When we got our parts we had to rehearse all the time! In the end it all turned out great! I think our best performance was when we performed in front of our parents!
Victorian day: The scariest thing we did all term was definitely Victorian day! We got to experience what it was like to be a Victorian school child. It was very scary at times especially writing, the subject people made most mistakes in! But, in a way, I enjoyed Victorian day!
By far, this term was the best term yet! I can't wait to find out what our new theme is going to be but, one thing I'm notlooking forward to is.......................SATS!
13 years ago
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