Spring Term
This term was awesome with all the busy things weve been doing.
Everyone has been working really hard at lots of things like Myst, The Victorians, Oliver, March of the penguins, Dibba, sports day, swim gala.
Everything has been really exciting and hard work.
Myst was really cool in an unusual world. We played the game and wrote about it and everyone produced a brilliant peace of work and it all fitted in to our book.
My favourite thing was learning about the Victorians, writing and drawing pictures, it was lots of hard work and effort put into it and i enjoyed learning everything about it. There was some really interesting facts about the victorians.
Oliver was one of my favourite school plays i have done ever! I really enjoyed it, I was quite nervous at the start but then we did it so many times it got really fun and had lots of confidence.
Penguins are so cute and I loved watching lots of DVDs about them, we also painted some wonderful pictures of penguins along with a peice of writing.
Dibba was one of the best times of my life, with lots of outdoor activitys. I had lots of fun with all my friends.
Sports day and the swim gala were the loudest times ive shouted and screamed ever, chearing and supporting my team, but everyone together it was unbearable!
Thankyou Mr Watson, Miss Bates, Mrs Kenny and Mrs Putt for helping us all with our hard work and being excelent teachers!
James D
13 years ago
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