This term we have done a lot of activities and events such as Myst, Oliver, Penguins and Victorian day. I have had a really good time this past 10-12 weeks. It has been really well planned and organised.
The Myst writing really broadened my use of adjectives and playing the game was fun too. I didn't get very far though! Some of the Myst writing was the best work in Year 6 for some people.
Oliver was great and I really enjoyed rehearsals and watching people perform and audition. Jamal, Chris and Matthew were great. Jamal is better than the real Fagin in the show in my opinion!
I really enjoyed learning about penguins as I didn't know much about them. It was really cool bringing ICT into it to make it more fun and enjoyable too! Sadly I didn't get to finish mine.
Victorian Day was great as the classroom looked detailed and it was a very different experience! I got the Dunces hat 3 times and got screamed at a bit!
This has been a great term. Thank you everyone for a wonderful term!
By Adam B.
13 years ago
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