One Thursday of the second term, year 5 and year 6 went to the Ductac to see the theatre show of Macbeth. We were all very excited to see Jamal. (a boy in my class who is taking part in the show) But when we started watching it, I changed my opinion......
I didn't really enjoy the show because I found the show too dramatic like when Jamal (who played the Son Of Macduff) died. I have never really enjoyed watching old history things because I find them a bit boring as I am used to watching modern things.
On the other hand, I really enjoyed the scene when the door man sang his funny songs and made his funny jokes. I thought that that scene was the best.
I was very excited to see Jamal's part because I knew that he did amazingly for the Oliver show so I knew that he would do as well for the Macbeth show. I also thought that he had a voice, filled with a lot of expression and I was very surprised that he did not put on an embarrassed smile because I would because I would find it quite scary looking at all my friends while trying to concentrate on the show.
Overall it was a fun experience because I was able to go out of school to do something out of school which I really liked. But that still didn't change my mind of me actually liking the content of the show
13 years ago
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