In the summer I went to my mums hometown Tamworth in England for 2 weeks.
When we were there we saw my cousins Sam and Jack and my Uncle Brian and Auntie Mel. After the 1st week in Tamworth my mum, my mums mum, Lily and Me went to York for 1 night and 1 day.When we were in York we went to a Viking museum and a double decker bus to see York.
After our time in England we went to Guernsey were I am from.On the very first daywe got to Guernsey perfect timing because my old school have a bbq on the beach every year.S o when we got into the taxi we dropped our bags of and then headed straight of to the beach werewe were gonig to have our bbq. I saw all my friends at the beach bbq and the very next day I slept at my best friends house! (Honor)In the afternoon Honor, Tilly, Savannah, Maninda, and I we all went to a swimming centre and stayedthere for 2 hours.During the summer it was my sisters birthday and she got a underwater camera.
I really enjoyed my summer!!
And over all I had a great holiday!!!!!
By Rose xx :)
13 years ago
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