VERY WELL DONE to all who participated in these elections.

WOW! The standard of presentation for HOUSE CAPTAINS today was incredible. What a talented bunch year 6 truly is!
Mrs Watson, Mr Whitehead, Miss Bates, Mr Watson, Mrs Kenny, Miss Newcombe and Mr McGarry were amazed by what a good job everyone did.
VERY WELL DONE to all who participated in these elections.
Well done all in year 5 and 6 for being an excellent audience too.
Look at the pictures below from todays House Captain Presentations:
more pictures to follow

Add comments about:
Look at the pictures below from todays House Captain Presentations:
more pictures to follow
Add comments about:
- Who in your team did well?
- Who impressed you in other teams?
- How did it feel to deliver your presentation to the whole of year 5 and Year 6?
- How did you feel you did with your presentation?
- Apart from yourself who would you like to see as Headboy and Headgirl and why?
RESULTS : The results of Headboy & Headgirl and the Hosue Captains will be announced on Thursday in whole school assembly.
It felt really good to present my presentation.I liked peoples presentations and I wish people luck.
Adam ;)
I think that hannahs presentation was really good because of the song at the end. In the other teams I thought that adam B's and adam O's was funny aswell.when I did mine I was nervous
I really enjoyed today and there was some really good presentations(I really enjoyed jamal's.)Well done to everyone. i am now sitting here quite relieved its over with a chocolate milkshake(yummy)
Adam O
I think everyone did really well and I just want to say well done to everybody who did the presentation
hi guys
Before my presentation i was nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvus but once i was on stage i felt really good
wishing you all luck
I really liked Natasha's presentation because it was full of great ideas and she spoke loudly and clearly. When I did mine i was a bit nervous but after a while it was fun! I hope you liked my presentation,
Becky :)
At first I was nerveous, badly.
So when Mr Whitehead called me out I was terrified, but as I went along It started to get easier. Im really glad I went for it and if I dont get it, at least I tried. In my team I really liked Hannahs. The song was lots of fun but one of the reasons I like it was because of the little saying, 'go for the moon, if you cant your still a star.' One of the other presentations I liked was Adam B's
I liked how he said,'If you need a hand, a arm, a leg or any other part of your body I'll be glad to help.' I think everyone did a great job and I'm proud of myself.
Eloise :o)
I think that James D's presentation was very good. I liked the picture at the end. I also liked Hannah's song at the end of her presentation.
By Josh P
I think Ashleigh's presentation was really good because it was very interactive. I cant choose a favorite part because it was all good.
I think that Rory did really well, I found his presentation really interesting. I also liked Adam O's and Adam B's presentations.I felt really nervous doing my presentation, my chest felt tight and I was shaking everywhere. I think I did well with my presentation.
I loved all the presentations.
I really thought Dan's was good and he gave out free buns.
I also thought Natasha's presentation was good because she didn't use the laptop and she spoke really clearly.
Rachel :-p
I was really nervous and shaking when I first got up there but as it goes on you calm down and enjoy it. It's really nerve racking to talk in front of 100 people. I think natasha was really brave going up there cosindering she's new to the school. I also liked hannah's presentation because she sang the song in her presentation all the way through when other people weren't which I think takes a lot of guts.I thought that Adam's Daniel's and Adam B'S the only bad thing about dans was it made me hungry but he gave out cupcakes so it didn't matter.I think everyone did really well and should be proud of themselves. I think everyone deserves to win.
i was really nervous about standing up to do my presentation and I think Richard did really well:)
Today was really good I really enjoyed watching everyones I thought Dans was really good and I found Adam B and Adam O's really really funny.
Hi people
I thought EB did really well and Adam O did really good aswell it feels really freaky when you stand up there! :D
Charlotte U.
I think everyone did really well and I think Natasha was really brave to go up!! I think beckys was really good... GIVE ME A B.E.C.K.Y.... becky!!!!
It was nerve racking at the start but as i went along I enjoyed it more. I enjoyed everyones and would like to congratulate everyone who went up for it. I cant pick my favourite.
everyone did really well ,so everyone deserves a chance to be house captain ,it was much harder than i thought it would be.good luck to everyone :D
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