It’s good to be me…
I am unique because I have a double jointed thumb which people think it’s pretty gross because I move it back and forth in a rather disgusting way.
My favourite car is a Lamborghini X Spyder, my favourite colour is black and I enjoy swimming a lot.
What makes me unique is I am me and there isn’t another me in the world!
The best thing about me is that I’m funny and kind to other people.
My major ambition in life is to be a Forensic Anthropologist – this person works with Crime Fighting Organizations eg. The Police.
What this person does is collect bones of unidentified bodies and investigates the circumstances of death at crime scenes or where found in unusual circumstances.
So to finish off I know I am going to have to WORK REALLY HARD at school in all science subjects…oh yeah and MATHS and ENGLISH…
By Charlotte
I am unique because I have a double jointed thumb which people think it’s pretty gross because I move it back and forth in a rather disgusting way.
My favourite car is a Lamborghini X Spyder, my favourite colour is black and I enjoy swimming a lot.
What makes me unique is I am me and there isn’t another me in the world!
The best thing about me is that I’m funny and kind to other people.
My major ambition in life is to be a Forensic Anthropologist – this person works with Crime Fighting Organizations eg. The Police.
What this person does is collect bones of unidentified bodies and investigates the circumstances of death at crime scenes or where found in unusual circumstances.
So to finish off I know I am going to have to WORK REALLY HARD at school in all science subjects…oh yeah and MATHS and ENGLISH…
By Charlotte
You aren to play with.
Ifind it really cool that you are double jouted in one thumb i can do it to
sounds like u charlottie!!!
Rory Q B-)
I think that you are funny and kind to other but it's weird about the thumb thing. I hope that you will get the job your aiming to get!
Hey Charllote
I also like Lamborghini's and its so weird and cool how you can bend your fingre back.
Oh and I hope you will get the job you are aiming for
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