Ellie’s comment
First I would like to thank everyone for voting for me to be school council for year 6. I will try to be a good councillor in the year I hope you enjoy having me as your school councillor thanks again.
It is good to be me ;-)
I have a fantastic family
I go to a fantastic school
Have lots of really great funny friends
I have the sun and sand on my doorstep
It’s like living a permanent holiday
I have a cute dog called Furgus
And most of all I have a well cool teacher MR WATSON!!! And yes I am a creep
P.S Mr Watson please remember this comment if I ever come in without my homework ;-)
I would really like to thank Rose for inviting me to her birthday party and you are right Rose we where the only ones who did not get a wedgie thank the lord
First I would like to thank everyone for voting for me to be school council for year 6. I will try to be a good councillor in the year I hope you enjoy having me as your school councillor thanks again.
It is good to be me ;-)
I have a fantastic family
I go to a fantastic school
Have lots of really great funny friends
I have the sun and sand on my doorstep
It’s like living a permanent holiday
I have a cute dog called Furgus

And most of all I have a well cool teacher MR WATSON!!! And yes I am a creep
P.S Mr Watson please remember this comment if I ever come in without my homework ;-)
I would really like to thank Rose for inviting me to her birthday party and you are right Rose we where the only ones who did not get a wedgie thank the lord
You are such a great friend! You are so funny!!!I did not know you liked C.S.I!!!I love it to! ;)
That was a good post Ellie
Furgus is SO cute!!
I hope you have a good time being student council!
Sounds a cool life Ellie you are a good fun person!
Ellie I think you will make a brilliant school council!
Fergus is soooooooooooo cute how old is he!!!
Hey Ellie
that was a really good post and well done for being student council and Furgus is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S you were right you and Rose didnt get a wedgie but I did
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