It's good to be me.... Well I think it is.
One of the best things about being me is having a job I really love. I love teaching and love working at Kings'. You might not know that I have been here since Kings opened - this is my 6th year now. Before life in year 6 I used to be in Keystage 1 (Year 1 and 2) and last year moved to Keystage 2 (Year 5). I have really enjoyed teaching in each year group and honestly can't choose a favourite.. I've met lots of wonderful pupils and staff whilst working here.
Another great thing about being me is having great friends and a supportive family. I have some wonderful friends both in England and here in Dubai too. I even have some further afield around the world, like in Canada and South Africa . My best friends are Ian, Lisa and Steve. I miss them but agian try my best to be in touch with them. I have also made good friend with people in Dubai, and those who use to be in Dubai too.
I am lucky enough to get on really well with my mum, dad and brother (David) - they are always there for me, and we have lots fo fun together too. I miss them when I am here but talk lots on the ohone to them.
The final thing I want to share with you about myself is my hobbies. Most of you know I love music and really enjoy playing the drums. I also like listening to music - my Ipod is always on.
I am also a passionate football fan, although I am not enjoying this at the moment because my beloved Ipswich Town are really playing badly and not winning games. Come on you Blues!!!!
If I had to use 3 words to best describe me I would say I am
- enthusiastic
- hardworking
- passionate
Mr Watson
Kewl Mr. W! I would describe you as:
Hardworking and hmm? I dont know Ill have to think? Just kidding!
I think your a really nice teacher!
PS: I think your the best teacher out of all the rest of my old teachers! Psst dont tell anyone!
I think you are a great teacher and you play the drums so well!!!
Are you sure you dont want to support a better team like SPURS?
Cool Mr Watson!
I think you are:
cool teacher
I'm really pleased that I've got you for my teacher again Mr Watson! I think it is funny that you call your older brother, Little-Big brother!
Cool post Mr W! I think you are awesome too! We have got something in commen we both always have our IPods playing Music!
I think you are a great teacher and I agree with you on all those teams except you supporting Ipswich?
nice pic Mr w i agree with kristi we r to cool for school!
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