For my holiday I travelled to England and Tunisia.
First I travelled to England, to a place called Chichester. That is where my mums' sister lives, so obviously I stayed in their guest room and played with my cousins for two and a half weeks. We played things including the computer, volley ball, badminton and loads more which I could tell you about, but you would all be slightly dis-interested by then so I'll tell you the better parts!
My favourite part of my England holiday was when most of the family was outside playing together. That's what I feel is a good way to get the family spirit up and running.
Oh and by the way all my English cousins are girls!
Now I'll tell you about Tunisia where my Dads' family lives.
My guess is that many of you have not been to Tunisia?
Where we go in Tunisia is very near to the beach, litterally across the road and everyday nearly everyone would go to the beach and do different things depending on the weather.
Big waves-body surfing (I do it, not the others)
Calm day-sports (volleyball, catch, etc)
Massive waves-Massive body surfing
So now you know what I mean about the weather changing what we do on the beach.
I reaslly enjoyed playing monopoly while teaching year 2's English. We would use phrases like "it's my turn" and "it's your turn" which would teach them basic English.
One of my Year 2 cousins knew more English than others and she said thing like "stop it!" and "it's me" ( meaning it's mine). This really made me laugh. It is interesting to communicate because sometimes we would use French or Arabic or English, or even our hands.
Anyway that was my summer. What was yours like everybody?
Adam B.
Adam Bom Bom Babie Jonas.
13 years ago
Your right, I haven't been to Tunisia but it sounds like you had a great time.
Sounds great it sounds so cool doing boady surfing. My holiday was great as well
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