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Meet Year 6!
May 2010 - Looking good!

Year 6JW

Year 6JW
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Class 6LBa!

Class 6LBa!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Don't Forget Us - A poem that says it all - the masterpiece by Hazel and Kristi

Don’t Forget Us

Here is a poem we’ve written for you,

We hope you enjoy it, every word of it’s true,

It’s about the people in JW and LBa,

We are reading it to you on our very last day.

Miss Bates is unbelievably fun,

Mr Watson likes telling awful puns.

Mrs Kenny is our wonderful TA,

Mrs Putt teaches us every Monday.

Hannah is a fantastic friend,

Rose will be a monkey until the end.

Oisin will be found kicking a ball,

A great singing voice belongs to Paul.

Matthew played Oliver Twist,

In a performance that was not to be missed.

The Artful Dodger was played by Chris Greaves,

He was in charge of the stealthy thieves.

Zac can rock out on the cymbals and drums,

Adam B is speedy when working out sums.

Olivia is sensible, calm and down to earth,

Corynn can be found tightening a girth.

Alizaky’s like a dictionary, he’s so smart,

Ashleigh is great at drawing and art.

Francesca Boni loves to swim,

Charlotte always breaks a limb!

Ellie is hyper and bonkers they say,

Eloise smiles throughout the day.

Tomas runs like lightening in a race,

Sami always has a happy face.

Josh D is fab and brilliant at cricket,

He bowls the ball towards the wicket.

Adam O can swing the cricket bat,

Whereas Rachel loves to stroke fluffy cats.

Emily is really friendly and funny,

Claire has a personality that is sunny.

Alec plays music on his saxophone,

Angela gets on with work and never moans.

On Victorian day Dan got the cane,

Lauren likes driving Mr. Watson insane!

Caring Molly has a golden heart,

Richard is always neat and smart.

Jamal acted in the Macbeth Show,

To see him perform we did go,

Kian is a fish in the swimming pool,

Rory’s so kind hearted - he shines like a jewel.

Natasha can rally over the net,

She’s amazing at tennis, on that you can bet!

Serena is good-natured, affectionate and fair,

If you need help, then Lucy is there.

Becky shines in her work at school,

James M can rap, now that is cool!

Luke made a fab penguin photo- story,

Dylan celebrates in rugby glory.

Felix is a whiz with computers for sure,

James D can do flips over the floor.

Josh P is respectful and helpful too,

Now just two more people to share with you.

Kristi is awesome, a friend to everyone,

Working with her has been so much fun!

Hazel is funny, talented and sweet,

Working with her has been such a treat!

It’s the end of the poem; it’s the end of the year,

We have to leave Kings, but we’ve loved it here

So farewell and masalama to Kings’ Dubai

We really don’t want to say goodbye


Hazel Swift & Kristi Flanagan


Serena for the last time said...




Mr Watson said...

That gorgeous poem says it all. THANKS Hazel and Kristi! Simply brilliant!

Mr Watson ;-)

Chloe said...

Wow that poem is amazing, I couldn't of written a better poem then that!

Corynn said...

This is an awesome poem, I will miss everyone. I wish everyone luck for their new schools!!

Claire said...

:( I'm really gonna miss the people moving away and going to different schools.

That poem is beautiful. :.)


Serena say's for the last time ever. said...

me 2 Everybody!

Oisin said...

That is a great poem

Serena ;0) said...

sure i s

Unknown said...

that was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! this is so sweet!!!

Serena said...

yeah sophie where u last years year6?