Forbidden Planet Review
A shiver of apprehension trembled down my paralysed spine like ripples in water; my cerebral thoughts struggled to cope with the eerie and darkened atmosphere! The commanding music signified the start of the simultaneous marching of my year group! 3… 2… 1… Go! Excitement quickly emanated from the hall, cheering deafened my aching ears! Concentration intensified, enthusiasm maximized, this was it! I concealed my nervousness like a clown hides his face behind grease paint! Oisin yelled “All crew to the bridge, all crew to the bridge. Roll call! Roll call! Step to the mark to declare yourself present.”The blinding spotlights dazzled frying my eyes like eggs in a sizzling pan! As Oisin sped through some hilarious characters I was repeatedly revising my confusing yet entertaining lines! Oisin finally shouted “Hans Acrossthezee-Ships Intergalactic Relations Officer”. I bravely strode forward to deliver my complicated words with my usual charm and charisma! I had nothing to worry about. The delivery was perfect and the audience replied with smiles and laughter.
During the weeks of practising lines and creating props and panels to make the show realistic, year 6 had been working with great effort and enthusiasm! As I mastered my lines, I also worked on my expression. Reciting lines is one thing, how you express them is something else, especially when you have to make everyone laugh with a great German accent! I was a translator in the production so I acted like a foreigner!
During the show everyone had to set the scene of a spaceship in the background whilst other people were speaking. Mr Whitehead kindly hung up our panels so everyone press buttons, read fuel and temperature levels and scanned thumbs! If you act like you are in a spaceship the audience will believe that you are in a spaceship!
With so little notice, Josh, Daniel and I were asked by Mr Watson to sing ‘Young Girl’ with Zac; it was a surprising moment for us! I never expected to have a wonderful singing part! We listened to the song with Mr Watson and then began to sing it with him! During the production we all wore shades whilst we were singing to make us look cool. I sung my heart out with energy and passion! The sky was the limit!
Finale time! Hazel calmly began the song, enjoyment banished my worries! As the whole of KS2 started to sing, nervousness faded! I sung louder than ever before, my diaphragm pumping in and out! All my troubles had gone because of what I loved... singing! My mouth widened by the second, volume rose higher and higher! As we ended beautifully it was time for just one more... THE MONSTER MASH! When everybody sang the roof was blown off! My body was free, the actions were terrific! I was moving about so much it looked like I had ants in my pants! I never felt so alive! As the supporting cast took their bows, year 6 remained on stage ready to sing the song again, as we always do at the end of another successful King’s show much to the delight of our audience. Then it was time for our bows, when I realised all our hard work was worth it!
13 years ago
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