Roll up all potential super heroes! If you could choose any super power....and only one...which one would you choose???
Leave your choice as a comment to this post, with an explanation for why!
Mr Watson - Super hero!
I would choose Teleportation.
I have thought long and hard about this, and got down to a top 3 quite easily. I would love to have the ability to fly or be invisible. But after a lot of thought I have opted for the ability to teleport. I think it would be amazing to just think of a place I wanted to be and simply just be there within a blink of an eye. No more traffic jams, long waits in airports or planes, no long journeys...just a click of the fingers and there I am. How amazing would that be. I could just pop to Antarctica to see the penguins, to USA to see the Rockies or Grand Canyon. Suddenly pop to Egypt or Rome for human features, or the Maldives or Tanzania for nature. I could even just pop home to the uk to see my family for a cup of tea! Anthing I wanted and most importantly ANYWHERE!
That is the superpower i would most want.
Mr Watson
13 years ago
If I could choose a super power I would pick mind reading or super human strengh.
Talk about your adrenilne. :p :)
Mmmmmm, this is hard. My top 3 would definately be flight, invisibility and Teleportatin. I would love to be able to fly and teleport but imagine being able to go invisible, you would never be in trouble, cous no-one could see you!
Mmmmmm, this is hard. My top 3 would definately be flight, invisibility and Teleportatin. I would love to be able to fly and teleport but imagine being able to go invisible, you would never be in trouble, cous no-one could see you!
Mmmmmm, this is hard. My top 3 would definately be flight, invisibility and Teleportatin. I would love to be able to fly and teleport but imagine being able to go invisible, you would never be in trouble, cous no-one could see you!
Mmmmmm, this is hard. My top 3 would definately be flight, invisibility and Teleportatin. I would love to be able to fly and teleport but imagine being able to go invisible, you would never be in trouble, cous no-one could see you!
If i could have one super power it would be to have super speed and travel as fast as lightning.
I would like to have super speed because I could, geat away easily from places, get to places quickly and win every race. I would run so fast people would barely be able to see me.
I could fetch things quickly that I really badly wanted, such as food, or beverage. Maybe if I was in a hurry to get home, i could jump out of my mums car and wizz to home.
It would be awesome!
I would also pick teleportation because if I , at any time, wished to be anywhere else I could be. I would be able to visit relations from all over the world.
If I had a super power, I would pick Invisibility. It would be awsome to move around everywhere, no-one seeing you. You could sneak things and do lots more. I think that if I were to be invisible, I would use it wisely.
My top 3 superpowers to have would be the ability to fly, invisibility and teleportation, but my most favourite being to fly.
My whole life I've always wanted to glide through the air by myself, plus there would be no air traffic or anything like that and to rescue people you could get to really high or difficult places to reach.
It would be dangerous too, but really fun and I would be sensible and not zoom around all the time for fun because me or someone else would get hurt.
Flying really would be a great power to have.
I would choose hypnotism! I could persuade anyone to get anything for me! I would not have to have a job as I could hypnotize everyone into giving it to me for free! Everyone would be under my power in a snap of a finger!! However I would have a disguise name in case anyone saw me and tried to track me down! I would travel the world in business class and hypnotize people to give me large amounts of money and give them to poorer parts of the world and charities and I would live with my friends in a huge house in the middle of an exotic island on a beach! I would persuade the driving man or lady to give me a licence and I would drive a green beetle Volkswagen! Hypnotism would be awesome!!!
I would choose hypnotism! I could persuade anyone to get anything for me! I would not have to have a job as I could hypnotize everyone into giving it to me for free! Everyone would be under my power in a snap of a finger!! However I would have a disguise name in case anyone saw me and tried to track me down! I would travel the world in business class and hypnotize people to give me large amounts of money and give them to poorer parts of the world and charities and I would live with my friends in a huge house in the middle of an exotic island on a beach! I would persuade the driving man or lady to give me a licence and I would drive a green beetle Volkswagen! Hypnotism would be awesome!!!
If I had to chose one superpower it would be invisibility! You could sneak around and listen to conversations. Playing pranks would be very fun too! Adam B.
If i had one superpower it would be:
I could eat as much as i want and never be full but also never be fat!!!! (i could stuff my face and still be the same size!)Oh I wish that would come true!!! I would be happy for all of my life!!! I wouldn't be sensible with my superpower because i adore food (it is my passion!)
If i had an superpower i think it would me invisable because it would be cool to neek-up on people and frighten them also to play tricks. Plus nobody would see you so you could do anything!
I would definately choose flight. Imagine being able to soar throught the air with nothing beneath you, but you know you are safe. It would be like being in a helicopter without the noise. I have always wanted to know what it would be like to fly, to feel like a bird. With the wind whipping on your face, the sun beating down on your back, endless landscapes below. It would be AWESOME!!!!! I would choose flight anyday.
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