I had an amazing time in Australia. I went there on my own for 10 days to see the Weights (Tom was in my class in year five). We travelled all over the south-west and to Perth; I found 3 snakes and a huntsman spider. We went to an arts festival in Denmark (not the country in Europe) where they did all sorts of things from monologues and poetry to acting and dancing. We also visited Kates’ sister, Joey, and stayed at their house for a night. We went to 2 different farms owned by Kates brother, Mike..

The first one we went to was 1000 acres. We built huts out of branches and twigs in a small forest they called Pollen Land. We had a walk around the farm. There were some great views from up there. Then at the bottom of the hill was a forest which looked like a miniature version of Fangorn forest in lord of the rings. It was really muddy and the trees were dusty and hung over. There were streams separating the forest. The trees were paper bark trees. Their bark was bendy and scrunchy like paper. The Aboriginals used the
Trees bark as paper.
The next farm we went to was further away from the coast. There was no water there underground so the 6000 acre farm was run entirely on rain water. Every winter of summer here the rain would fall into open tanks and was pumped around the farm.
They had huts there in the forest as well but these were made of metal. I drove a motorbike and a quad bike round the farm. In every 2 or so paddocks there would be a dam. It was a pit in the ground which rain water fell into and feed the cattle. In the closest
One they had yabbies. Yabbies are like small fresh-water lobsters. We ate them and they were delicious. I had a ride on a horse. They had six. Most of them were cheeky and tried to run away or throw you off, so I went on the friendly giant. Her name was freckles. She’s 19 and can’t trot because of an injury in a polo match. But it was still fun.
Tom, Sam and I went up in Mikes private 6 seated, propelled plane. The views were fantastic! I went for a drive in one of the tractors and found a massive 8 wheeled tractor in a nearby shed. On the way back to the airport we stopped to take a look at the combine-harvester. Apart from cutting myself, falling over rocks, being crushed by massive waves and being bitten to death by giant mosquitoes, I had a fantastic time and
I would like to go again.
Wow Chris, it sounds like you had a great time. It must of been nice to see Tom again.
WOW!!!! that is amazing!!!!! I cant beilive you travelled all by yourself!!!!
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