Ths is our Book Day Review.
On Book Day we all got up early to get dressed into our fantastic costumes! When we arrived at school we got ready for our parade around the fiield. We all loved Mr McGarry's costume, it was amazing but unexpected! Then we came back into the classroom and introduced our characters, so we could write about them in our stories. Next we had breaktime. Then we continued our stories until Mr Watson arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone gave a big cheer. Then we walked over to assembly where Mr Whitehead read out the whole school book. It had many twists and turns in it as well as loads of magic! Then after lunch we went down to FS2 to have a picnic and read them stories. We can all agree that the FS2's are so so so cute! Then it was hometime and was the end of a brilliant day.
We really enjoyed Book Day!
Hazel & Charlotte
13 years ago
it sounds awesome
i wish i was there
glad u guys gad fun
Sounds like you guys had fun on book day. Wish I was there! :-D
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