13 years ago
This is our fantastic Year 6 blog! It is a safe and fun way to extend our learning. It's term 3 already! We are enjoying using our blog and we hope you like it too! Have a read, get to to know us and then add your comments if you would like to. Vote on our surveys too. Have you got your own blog? We'd like to know so we could visit yours. Please add comments to our posts too. We'll be making our blog bigger and better throughout the year. Let's keep Blogging. BLOG ON! Enjoy !!!
oliver has a high voice and he has scruffy clothes and they are good pictures.
Oliver is a very calm character, that never gives up. His clothes are very scruffy, except when he is staying at Mr Brownlo's house (I think that is his name). I really enjoyed the movie, and can't wait to do the performance.
Oliver is a kind and caring boy seeking for a good and welcoming home. His clothes are scruffy, his hair is wavy blond that flows in the wind.
I really enjoyed the movie aswell!
Oliver is a scruffy little boy(mostly)and seems really mannerly and friendly. By asking for more he is showing signs of bravery.
I really enjoyed the musical and can't wait to see the movie and actually perform it ourselves.
Oliver is a inocent little boy seeking a calm,welcoming and loving home.Overall he is a scruffy little boy with blond hair that shimmers in the light.
I'm really looking forward to acting it out.
oliver is as gentle as a fly with a scruffy outfit and a gentle smile.
Desperately wondering along the crouded streets of london he is welcomed by his friends and his warm heart comes to a holt when he learns to be a devious criminal
whos the c man
Oliver is a very Kind and caring boy and in the film he doesnt know whether to betray the gang or run away from Mr Brownlow . So he does nether and gets them both in a mess.
What would you do?
I thing Oliver has a sweet voice, kind, gentle as a butter fly.
Oliver is a brave-hearted, gentle little boy who means no harm to anyone. growing up in a small town inside the dank workhouse, he has no mother, no father, and no friends. But this does not stop him from always seeing the poistive side of things.
Oliver is kind mis-treated boy. He has good manners and a warm heart, like Nancy he mostly put's others first before him.
Oliver has a very kind nature. He sings very well and is liked by all. His mother died in labour and Oliver was sent to the infant farm, run by Mrs Mann.
Oliver is a poor orphan and is scruffy looking but is really polite and has manners. He may look shy but is really brave.
Oliver is a nice caring little boy, he wears scruffy mucky clothes. but when it comes to being bossed around he does as he is told.
Oliver is a very kind boy,honest and friendly.He also has a hi voice
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