13 years ago
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I think Fagin is a :
sneaking man,
but his is also kind and careing to Dodger and his gang.
He always thinks off him self first instead off others in his old age.
Fagin is a creepy, ghostly character. He cares for the boys and Nancy but dislikes Bill Sykes when Bill gets violent. Fagin's eyes and fingers add alot to his character, his eyes are always darting about and his fingers do a few eerie movements.
The artful dodger [roger]
The artful dodger is a sneaky cockney crook inhabiting the streets of London. As an important member of Fagin’s gang he is more than capable of picking more than a pocket or two. For this reason he is not popular among the police. Often having to make a hasty retreat to the rougher parts of the city ,in which lies the gang’s base
Mr Bumble
Mr Bumble is the rather portly head of the orphanage resident to Oliver twist. This facility unlike himself is run on gruel and nowhere near enough of it. The orphans practically starving, but he frankly couldn't care less. Being extremely selfish, exploding with rage at the mere mention or even at the thought of second helpings for any being younger than himself [not on his behalf mind you].
Fagin is a cunning man wanting rich goods. His ghost-like appearance gives him and eerie person to be around.
Fagin is the most misthiveous characer in the gang and the way he moves his fingers is is very devious. I think Jamal will make a perfect Fagin.
I think Fagin is a quick-witted man who cares about his boys. He is a sneaky person with a eerie personality
Fagin is again a coin because there are two sides of him; a selfish side and a caring side. His devilish laugh makes him sound mean and aggressive but he is not; he is a caring man
Fagin is a sly sneaky old pickpocket with a crooked grin. Although he is selfish, he feeds his boys, and in return they steal for him. Bill Sykes gives him special goods that he has stolen, and Fagin keeps them to himself. He has ghostly eyes that dart around suspiciously.
Fagin is quite a mysterious character with his thick red hair and beady eyes. He is always seeking others goods and teaching the boys how to do so along the way. He is a very tall and slim character and is one of those people if you saw the shadow of Fagin in dark light he would give you the creeps. He has long bony fingures wich often pop out of worn out gloves. The first time you saw him he would probably scare you a bit, but the more you grew to know him you would notice he is a fun man who likes being a villain.
Fagin was born in the East End of London, he is described as 'disgusting' to look at. He is the leader of a group of children, whom he teaches to make their livings by pickpocketing. He dances and sings very well and I like his coat and pointy shoes!!
Fagin is a balanced man with his good side cheerful and willing to look after his children gang abd his bad being selfish, using his gang to collect goods for himself and only himself
Fagin is not, in my opinion, a bad person. He provides food,drink and shelter for about 15 boys. The only way he can keep everybody alive is by stealing.
Adam B.
Fagin is a dirty, scruffy man. He seems to be a very mysterious, cunning man. He loves all his jewellery. He always seems to be up to no good. Hr behaves suspiciously.
There is something surprising about Fagin’s character because when he puts on his devilish laugh, people would automatically think that he is evil but when you meet him face-to-face, you actually may want to change your mind.
Fagin helped take care of Oliver as he took Oliver into his “house” and gave him a shilling when Oliver managed to take the handkerchief out of Fagin’s pocket without Fagin realising. This shows that he is a kind and gentle person. I think that he is trying to forget about his selfishness and be nice old gentleman.
Fagin is a very sneaky man. He uses the boys to pickpocket. He is scary to look at.
Fagin is sly, sneaky, curios man. But he can be very caring for his boys and nancy. However he can be very scary, mad and furios if somebody sees his seceret possessions.
Fagin is a very sneaky and sly old man. He is caring for Oliver and his gang, but is he really a nice person??? He is very dirty and scruffy, but brave enough to face Bill.
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