What a coincidence!For Christmas I bought my parents a life size, fluffy emperor penguin.... It is a little taller an a real penguin but it is soooo cute! I have read that emperor penguins can measure up to 122cm in height. Mine is 128cm, I have just measured him.
I have attached a picture of me next to him.
Wow Tomas!! What a co-inky dink!!!
Hope you enjoy playing with it!
(the VERY jealous person!)
I laughed so much as I opened your photo Tomas. What a coincidence indeed!
I agree!
I was so lucky
ya! i really want want one of those awesome giant penguins. :-P
Percy is sooo cute i want one
Tomas, your penguin is nearly as big as me!!!
He is probably the one of the biggest fluffy toy at the shop
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