We are enjoying researching and learning about emperor penguins.

We have watched BBC (David Attenborough)and National Geographic documentaries and the INCREDIBLE and INSPIRING March of the Penguins film. We have made lots fo notes and have discussed what we have learnt.

To help research even more, why not find out more about emperor penguins with some of these weblinks:

Discover more about Antarctica at:
Watch the March of the Penguins trailor :
The penguins are so cute.
the march of the penguins is a sad and funny movie and I really engoyed it and I learnt lots.
Josh D
I really enjoyed March of the Penguins, it was really good.
The only bit I did not like was the part when the leopard seal caught the penguin. It almost made me cry!!
I really enjoyed march of the penguins and the national geographic documentry! I really will enjoy this theme!
I missed all that cool stuff????????
These pictures are sooo cute, especially the last one of the chick.
The emporer penguins can dive to upto 1850 feet
They also stand 45 inches tall or 115 cm tall.
The penguins also hunt for 2 months on end before undergoing their long march to the breeding grounds
Josh D
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