I'm sure that many of Year 6 who have been at Kings' for a long time will fondly remember Mr Rees.
Mr Rees and I worked together for the almost the first 2 years of Kings' being open, when you guys were in year 1 and 2. Mr Rees taught in year 6 and Year 4 as well as being part of the School Leadership team.
Mr Rees and I have remained friends ever since. (Mr Watson still misses his good banter, staffroom games and his funky bass playing!)
Mr Rees is now a succesful headteacher at Little Harrowdeen, in the UK. Why don;t you find out more about his school by visiting their brilliant website:
I have shared our blog with Mr Rees and Ms Foo, Year 6 Teacher. The children of Littel Harrowden will be checking out oiur blog to see what we get up to.
The plan is we will be doing some great collobartive work between the 2 schools once we have finished SATs. Watch this space for more information.
Mr Watson.
13 years ago
I remember Mr Rees, he was my brothers year 4 teacher. But half way through the year, but he had to leave. My brother (Michael) really missed Mr Rees. I think it's a great idea to get in contact with Mr Rees' school.
Mr Rees was my maths teacher when I was in year 2! We sang the song: We all have calculators in our heads!!!!
YES!!! he was my maths teacher too in year 2!!!
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