After the embrassment of wearing an Ipswich Town shirt Matthew sought ought company and support from Mr McGarry - they are both still smiling from Sunday's Nine -One demolishion of Wigan!
This is our fantastic Year 6 blog! It is a safe and fun way to extend our learning. It's term 3 already! We are enjoying using our blog and we hope you like it too! Have a read, get to to know us and then add your comments if you would like to. Vote on our surveys too. Have you got your own blog? We'd like to know so we could visit yours. Please add comments to our posts too. We'll be making our blog bigger and better throughout the year. Let's keep Blogging. BLOG ON! Enjoy !!!
That team is so bad that i could be sick
IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!! Why do they have to support that team!!!!
Molly X
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