gripping, emotive, heartwarming, engaging, amazing, action paced, touching and powerful.

We watched in 3 chunks and disucssed it in detail. We all agreed it was an amazing film. Everyone was captivated by it!
It links in with our theme in lots of ways - it was based upon an autobiography, it involved interviews (open questions!), and is linked to the exploration and challenge work (like Adrian Hayes) we are starting to look at it.

We used the opportunity to have superb discussions about the powerful description of both the scenary and, perhaps more inportantly, the emotions the people in the film experienced.
Beautiful scenery and excellent cinematography highlight this true-life story of two young adventurers who, in 1985, attempt to be the first climbers to reach the top of imposing Siula Grande, in Peru. The two actual climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, narrate the story, while two stand-in actors re-enact the climbing.

A big part of the film is Joe's quest merely to survive, once he becomes separated from Simon. Toward this objective, he calls forth inner strength in the form of two mental processes: first, make a decision and then act on it; second, set small goals or targets. During his ordeal a part of him keeps pushing: "You have to do this, this, and this, if you're going to get there; come on, keep moving, keep moving; right, get up, and do it again".
In a docudrama like this, acting ability is not that important. What is important is the cinematography. The mountain scenery is spectacular. The camera also captures visual perspective, by backing away from the two climbers, or Joe alone in the second half, to reveal how small and insignificant they are against the towering mountain face, or lost within the vast expanse of a huge glacier, peppered with a maze of dangerous crevasses.

"Touching The Void" is a great story of survival set amid the majestic splendor of the mountains of Peru.
Read more about it on:
Tell Miss Bates and I all about what you thought of this film, by adding comments to this comment.
Mr Watson
I found this movie very gripping, all the suspense made me want to watch more, and when Joe broke his leg, that made me jump! Very sad, but I'm happy that he recovered after the operations.
I found it quite cary at some parts and it was funny when mr Watson left it on a cliff hanger literaly!!
Josh D
Touching the void was really shocking and a bit freaky at times. It was really good.
Thankyou Mr Watson letting us watch. =]
The movie was very exciting and was a bit scary at times. In the end I was happy that they were all okay.
I thought Touching the Void,was a very gripping and good movie.
I couldn't think of what Joe was going through!
It was a very POWERFUL film!
thnx 4 lletting us watch it! :)
Touching the void is the best movie I have watched.
I thought 'Touching The Void' was a breathtaking film and was really well made. My faveourite bit was Joe in the cravasc.
Adam B.
Touching The Void was the best suspence film I have ever watched. I think that Simon and Joe had to make the hardest decisions ever!(I could not of made them). I think the pain Joe went through was excruciating and immense, also Simon must of felt guilty because he cut the rope that sent Joe falling through the crevass. I dont think I would like to climb any mountain on the world!!! Thanks Mr Watson and Miss Bates for letting us watch this film(I really enjoyed it).
I think that touching the void is up there with my other favourite movies but I can't really call it a movie if you know what I mean.
I think it was a gripping, action packed film with lots of dramatic scenes and choices to make. I know that this film has definatly inspired me but it has mixed emotions. It was freaky at some parts and some of the faces were really funny.
It was a happy ending, which is either good or bad, depending what you thought of the movie.
My highlight of the movie was when Mr Watson left it on a cliff hanger!
Thank you Mr Watson for letting us watch this film,
Dylan :o)
a really good film ive whached some of the bit i didnt whactch when Miss bates was teaching us its a bit freaky at time I usually have my fingers in my ears or something!!
Adding on to my other comment if i was Joe when he broke his leg i would of been very scared and would of told my friend to leave me. If i was simon an i had seen my friend had broken his leg i would of dug a snow cave and gone to try and get some help .
I loved the movie it's one of the best i've seen! It's so cool
as ACTION-PACKED as a wrestling match
as THRILLING as a rollercoaster
as GRIPPING as a monkey holding onto a tree
as FULL OF TWISTS AND TURNS as a winding lane
I think it's like a miracale the way Joe and Simon both survived. I know it sounds really selfish but if I was Joe I would of been so desperate for Simon to take me with him I would of begged and begged!!!
If I was Simon I think i would of felt like I was being ripped into 2 halves- 1 side was telling me to leave Joe and the other half telling me to stay with him and find some way to get Joe and me down the mountain.
And if I was Joe in the crevasse I would of thought I was in a horror movie x 100000000000000000000000000!
Hazel ;-)
I think that the movie was amazing
,I liked that it was an interview with wih the real explores not just a film so you could hear and see their feelings throughout! the special effects were amazing which is why my favourite part was in the cravass when joe fell. The movie was very well made and set out having the real characters on set, the the most amazing thing in the story is when simon decided not to leave joe at the top and made the right decicisions to keep both of them alive, even though he knew he would get abuse for cutting the rope. It must have been hard to return to the mountain but well worth it because out of it came a breathtaking film.
I think that Touching the Void was a sad,gripping and a action packed film.I thought it was a brilliant movie for a lot of discription in it.
Thanks Mr Wtson and Miss Bates for letting us watch the movie:)
Poor Joe!
I would have hated to be in either one of their places.
But I still really enjoyed the film.
I would be very scared because I would not have had water or food for 72 hours. My broken leg would be as painful as jumping head first on an arrow.
I want to add on to my last comment that I thank mr watson for letting us watch it and I also want to thank everyboady for being sensible:)
Simon had no right to be criticised and I think Joe did the right thing in defending him. What would they do if they were stuck in a situation like that? I am sure any person in their right mind would cut the rope. I found it a great movie and
Josh D :-)
Thanks for letting us watch!
;P Daniela
uzair! Only one sentence?!
This move was gripping sad and
funny at the same time
it was amazing
I liked the bart when Simon and Richard found Joe at the end and he was safe. If I was in Simon's position at the top tring to get Joe lower I would cut the rope to.
By Josh.P
Its amazing its a true story.
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