Meet Year 6!
May 2010 - Looking good!
Year 6JW

Meet the class
Class 6LBa!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
6JW Newsreporter - Adam's Review of week 8

Sunday: On Sunday we started the week very well carrying on with our auto-biographies. We started watching a great movie called "Touching the void" and paused on a real cliff- hanger!
Monday: The inspectors came to school and evaluated how OUTSTANDING we are!
Tomas and I were asked what was the best thing about the school. We replied " there are no gangs, the school plays together as one."
Tuesday: The next day of inspectors where they watched us in Arabic. Ithink we impressed them and did a great job.
Wednesday: We carried on watching "Touching the void" and we kept saying "NO" when Mr.Watson paused. Thanks to him we had some great discussions.
Thursday: Some of us finished our auto-biographies and we finished"Touching the void".
Everyone survived. It was a great movie and hasbeen a great week.Thank you MR.Watson!
Star Of The Week: Jamal O
King Of The Week: Corynn F.
Time Of The Week: Watching Touching The Void.
By Adam B
Touching The Void
gripping, emotive, heartwarming, engaging, amazing, action paced, touching and powerful.

We watched in 3 chunks and disucssed it in detail. We all agreed it was an amazing film. Everyone was captivated by it!
It links in with our theme in lots of ways - it was based upon an autobiography, it involved interviews (open questions!), and is linked to the exploration and challenge work (like Adrian Hayes) we are starting to look at it.

We used the opportunity to have superb discussions about the powerful description of both the scenary and, perhaps more inportantly, the emotions the people in the film experienced.
Beautiful scenery and excellent cinematography highlight this true-life story of two young adventurers who, in 1985, attempt to be the first climbers to reach the top of imposing Siula Grande, in Peru. The two actual climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, narrate the story, while two stand-in actors re-enact the climbing.

A big part of the film is Joe's quest merely to survive, once he becomes separated from Simon. Toward this objective, he calls forth inner strength in the form of two mental processes: first, make a decision and then act on it; second, set small goals or targets. During his ordeal a part of him keeps pushing: "You have to do this, this, and this, if you're going to get there; come on, keep moving, keep moving; right, get up, and do it again".
In a docudrama like this, acting ability is not that important. What is important is the cinematography. The mountain scenery is spectacular. The camera also captures visual perspective, by backing away from the two climbers, or Joe alone in the second half, to reveal how small and insignificant they are against the towering mountain face, or lost within the vast expanse of a huge glacier, peppered with a maze of dangerous crevasses.

"Touching The Void" is a great story of survival set amid the majestic splendor of the mountains of Peru.
Read more about it on:
Tell Miss Bates and I all about what you thought of this film, by adding comments to this comment.
Mr Watson
Kings' Dubai is.....
Congratulations to all the pupils, staff and parents of Kings' Dubai.
The inspectors have visited us all week and have quickly realsied that we are STILL AN OUTSTANDING school.
We are all very proud of our school and everything and everyone involved in it.
Well done to us all!
Three cheers for Kings'!
Hip hip HOORAY
Hip hip HOORAY
Hip hip HOORAY
Congratulations to all the pupils, staff and parents of Kings' Dubai.
The inspectors have visited us all week and have quickly realsied that we are STILL AN OUTSTANDING school.
We are all very proud of our school and everything and everyone involved in it.
Well done to us all!
Three cheers for Kings'!
Hip hip HOORAY
Hip hip HOORAY
Hip hip HOORAY
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Adrian Hayes...by Felix

Well I don't know alot about Adrian Hayes but I looked on the his website and found out.
1. He was the 15th person who walked to the 3 poles in the shortest amount of time in history (north pole, south pole, and climbing Mt Everest).
2.He is not only a Adventurer but he is also a speaker and a coporate coach.
If i was asking Adrian Hayes questions one of them would be.
What problems did you have when you were climbing Mt everest and when you crossed the 3 poles?
From Felix :)
Molly on Adrian Hayes

Adrian Hayes is a famous explorer, who has travelled to many places and I think that is a big achievement for him.
He is a former Gurkha Officer in the British army, he also has two children and is married. Adrian lives right here
in Dubai like us and has climbed many poles. He has also climbed mountains, for example Mount Everest.
Adrian went to the south and North pole, WHAT AN ACHEIVEMENT!!! :0
Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton was an Anglo-Irish Explorer who was born on the I5th of February 1874.
He was on a boat that travelled to near and far places on a boat!!! Sadly, Sir Ernest Henry died on the 5th of
January 1992, only at the age of 42. Ernest had three children called Raymond, Cecily and Edward.
His Parents were called Henry and Henrietta. My dad's boss, Sandy, his dad was a member of the crew of the Shackleton
and Sandy has many a story to tell of the adventures he had!
Adrian Hayes has survived conditions of -10 degrees, how cold is that!!! He is a hero who people look up to
at what he has achieved in his life of exploring. Adrian is a hard working man who is brave and fearless, and
lets nothing come in his way to stop him from completing his dream...to become a explorer, a famous
explorer. HE DOES NOT GIVE UP!!! :)
I think Adrian Hayes' biggest achievement is climbing Mount Everest. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain
in the world!!! Everest can have temperatures of -10 degrees and it's pretty steep up there. You can learn from
Adrian because he never gives up, he always believes in himself and always be truthful! He is brave, fearless, good
hearted and HE NEVER GIVES UP!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Adrian Hayes - by Josh D
Adrian Hayes
At Wellington, I was invited to a press conference with Adrian Hayes the famous explorer, who had travelled to the three points of the world, Antarctica, Mount Everest and the Arctic. He was inviting different schools to the Mall of the Emirates at the theatre hall to give a press conference about his trip to Greenland.
He wanted to travel across the country kite surfing and walking. He travelled north across the country and turned left at the end of Greenland. He demonstrated how heavy the toboggan is by putting three kids about 9 years old (including his son who is at jess) and pulled them in the toboggan. Then he asked the strongest guy in the theatre to come and pull it and he could hardly pull it at all!!! Next he showed us a slide show about how you do it and the training and loads of hard work. Example: Pulling 3 tyres across the beach lots of times for training and fitness. He showed us clips and photos of his trips particularly the Antarctic because he had been there most recently. He told us that he had planned another trip but it was a surprise and he didn’t want to tell anybody so we didn’t get to know.
Afterwards we got a tee shirt with his trip on it and we got some ice cream and a biscuit.
While Adrian was away I read articles in the newspaper about him and how he was doing. It said there was no wind on some days and they were struggling with the wind.I also read how the was doing on this website www.greenlandquest.com
Josh D
At Wellington, I was invited to a press conference with Adrian Hayes the famous explorer, who had travelled to the three points of the world, Antarctica, Mount Everest and the Arctic. He was inviting different schools to the Mall of the Emirates at the theatre hall to give a press conference about his trip to Greenland.
He wanted to travel across the country kite surfing and walking. He travelled north across the country and turned left at the end of Greenland. He demonstrated how heavy the toboggan is by putting three kids about 9 years old (including his son who is at jess) and pulled them in the toboggan. Then he asked the strongest guy in the theatre to come and pull it and he could hardly pull it at all!!! Next he showed us a slide show about how you do it and the training and loads of hard work. Example: Pulling 3 tyres across the beach lots of times for training and fitness. He showed us clips and photos of his trips particularly the Antarctic because he had been there most recently. He told us that he had planned another trip but it was a surprise and he didn’t want to tell anybody so we didn’t get to know.
Afterwards we got a tee shirt with his trip on it and we got some ice cream and a biscuit.
While Adrian was away I read articles in the newspaper about him and how he was doing. It said there was no wind on some days and they were struggling with the wind.I also read how the was doing on this website www.greenlandquest.com
Josh D
Adrian Hayes
hi yr6
check out this link its all about Adrian Hayes' achievments and there is a load of pics and information so go on it... NOW!!
check out this link its all about Adrian Hayes' achievments and there is a load of pics and information so go on it... NOW!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Jamal's Jokes!
Doctor Jokes :
1.Excuse me Tonsil can I take you out ?!
2.Doctor doctor, I on keep pulling ugly faces. Don't worry, nobody will notice any difference.
3.Doctor doctor , I keep thinking I am a doctor. Stop talking to yourself !
Knock knock jokes :
4.Knock knock
Who there ?
Luck who ?
Luck through the key hole and find out
5.Knock knock
Who is there ?
Madam who ?
Madam foot is caught on the door !
try them out !!
Doctor Jokes :
1.Excuse me Tonsil can I take you out ?!
2.Doctor doctor, I on keep pulling ugly faces. Don't worry, nobody will notice any difference.
3.Doctor doctor , I keep thinking I am a doctor. Stop talking to yourself !
Knock knock jokes :
4.Knock knock
Who there ?
Luck who ?
Luck through the key hole and find out
5.Knock knock
Who is there ?
Madam who ?
Madam foot is caught on the door !
try them out !!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Read about famous people
I have found this really good site, full of short biograohies of famous poeple. Pick and choose the ones you might want to know more about.
Mr Watson
Mr Watson
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Editing and improving your work - ERIC Blogspot and fun extension
Why don't you use your brain power to imporve these 4 simple sets of (and a little bit boring ) sentences.
Only rules they have to have roughly the same meaning - trying adding adjectives, changing verbs, adding adverbs, using connectives etc to improve them.
Add your newly improvements sentences at comments to this post!
1 - The man walked up the stairs. He went to bed.
2 - The girl went to the park.
3 - Archie was happy with the score.
4 - Louise wanted a horse ride.
Mr Watson
P.s. House points for the best entries and efforts !
Why don't you use your brain power to imporve these 4 simple sets of (and a little bit boring ) sentences.
Only rules they have to have roughly the same meaning - trying adding adjectives, changing verbs, adding adverbs, using connectives etc to improve them.
Add your newly improvements sentences at comments to this post!
1 - The man walked up the stairs. He went to bed.
2 - The girl went to the park.
3 - Archie was happy with the score.
4 - Louise wanted a horse ride.
Mr Watson
P.s. House points for the best entries and efforts !
Online Thesaurus - Use it!
Help make yourself imporve your vocabluary and imporve your writing by using a thesaurus.
Try this online version - http://thesaurus.reference.com/
or http://www.thefreedictionary.com/
It is very easy to use
Mr Watson
Try this online version - http://thesaurus.reference.com/
or http://www.thefreedictionary.com/
It is very easy to use
Mr Watson
Thursday, October 22, 2009
6JW Newsreporter - Adam's Review of week 7
This week a series of events have occurred.
On Sunday we started writing a chapter of our auto-biographies. Thefire alarm went off on Sunday too. Everybody reacted to it very well and just to let you know there was thankfully no fire. After school onSunday the school football team played DBS and lost 3-1.
On Monday we were proud to have Mr.Ollier come into our class and talkto us about auto-biographies. He made us laugh and he also made usthink about ideas for a title he could use for his auto-biography heis writing.
Tuesday didn't end up a special day and we just did normal subjects.We carried on with our auto-biographies.
Wednesday is a musical day as lots of people in our class play aninstrument that day. The class all made self portraits of themselvesand they turned out very impressive.
On Thursday we celebrated Mr.Davies' birthday, our registrar. Emily, Charlotte and Tomas did a show about shopping for shoes. Tomaswasn't allowed to bye a laptop!
Star Of The Week- Emily Barton.
King Of The Week- James Dale.
Time Of The Week- Mr.Ollier coming.
By Adam B
On Sunday we started writing a chapter of our auto-biographies. Thefire alarm went off on Sunday too. Everybody reacted to it very well and just to let you know there was thankfully no fire. After school onSunday the school football team played DBS and lost 3-1.
On Monday we were proud to have Mr.Ollier come into our class and talkto us about auto-biographies. He made us laugh and he also made usthink about ideas for a title he could use for his auto-biography heis writing.
Tuesday didn't end up a special day and we just did normal subjects.We carried on with our auto-biographies.
Wednesday is a musical day as lots of people in our class play aninstrument that day. The class all made self portraits of themselvesand they turned out very impressive.
On Thursday we celebrated Mr.Davies' birthday, our registrar. Emily, Charlotte and Tomas did a show about shopping for shoes. Tomaswasn't allowed to bye a laptop!
Star Of The Week- Emily Barton.
King Of The Week- James Dale.
Time Of The Week- Mr.Ollier coming.
By Adam B
News from the Travelling Weight Family

Hi All,
Well after a fantastic week of hiking in the Drakensburg Mountains in South Africa and a week in Johannesburg with Rob's sister Kathy and family, we are now on a train heading for Cape Town.
I finally managed to put up our blog from Tanzania last night and will try to get another out within the next few weeks. We have canned the Botswana/Zambia part of our adventure due to hugely high costs and also needing to get down to Cape Town to spend time with Rob's Mum and Dad. We will now, instead, explore South Africa further with the boys - we are hoping to do a weeks canoe trip down the Orange River up on the Namibia border, lots of hiking on and around the Table Mountain Nature Reserve, a couple of separate trips to friend's and family's farms and a week for Rob with his Mum and the boys up the coast. Plenty more exploring to be done!!
Kate and the boys
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
King of the Week (6JW) Week 7 & 8 - Corynn
Congratulations to Corynn.
We picked her out of the bag to be our next King of the week in 6JW. Unfortuantley she was off sick with the chicken pox so we had to wait a few days before giving her the praise in circle time she deserves.
We said lots of lovely things about her in class - add more positive comments about Corynn to this post.
We think that Corynn:
is Very helpful & really kind
has a great personality
Always cheer people up
Hardworking and never give up
Caring, helpful and always helps people
is really funny and friendly
has good leadership skills
is always happy and has an infectious smile
has a positive attitude to work
has a heart of gold
is energetic and fun to play with
Knows when to work and when to have fun
always make people smile
is gentle, smiley and fun to be around
is trustworthy, honest and thoughtful
Well done for being such a fantastic person - a great member fo the class!
We picked her out of the bag to be our next King of the week in 6JW. Unfortuantley she was off sick with the chicken pox so we had to wait a few days before giving her the praise in circle time she deserves.
We said lots of lovely things about her in class - add more positive comments about Corynn to this post.
We think that Corynn:
is Very helpful & really kind
has a great personality
Always cheer people up
Hardworking and never give up
Caring, helpful and always helps people
is really funny and friendly
has good leadership skills
is always happy and has an infectious smile
has a positive attitude to work
has a heart of gold
is energetic and fun to play with
Knows when to work and when to have fun
always make people smile
is gentle, smiley and fun to be around
is trustworthy, honest and thoughtful
Well done for being such a fantastic person - a great member fo the class!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Future heroes?

Next month our hero could be:
Nelson Mandela, David Attenborough, Mahatma Gandhi, (My hero)Nick Vujicic.
These people are all special in different ways.
Gandhi believed in a free India. Different in a great way!
Mandela believed in no racism and went to jail loads. Persistent in his belief.
Attenborough is so talented and patient with animals. Shows the worldgreat things!
Vujicic makes the best with what he has and never gives up. Amazing inthe way he is so optimistic!
Adam B
6JW Hero of the Month - Adrian Hayes

Adrian Hayes is a Dubai based motivational speaker and adventurer who recently became only the 15th person in the World, and in the shortest period of time in history, to reach the '3 Poles' of the Earth - walking the entire way to the North and South Poles and summiting Mount Everest.

We have chosen him as our Hero of the Month.
Adrian has his own website, so read more about him on:
- What do you know about Adrian Hayes?
- What do you think makes him a hero?
- What other explorers and adventurers do you know about?
- What things do you like about Adrian Hayes?
- What do you think Adrian’s biggest achievement is and why?
- What characteristics does Adrian have that you admire?
- What can you learn from Adrian?

Year 6 Footbal - Match Report by Captain Matthew

Y6 Match Report
On Sunday 18th October 2009 the year 6 team travelled to EIS to play DBS in the second match of the year. Early on in the first half it was very much even but as the game progressed we took the lead with a goal from Dylan. Unfortunately our lead did not last for long as DBS soon equalized on the counter attack.
At half time the score was 1-1 although we definitely deserved to be ahead. The second half was very different and even though we played very well, DBS just out played us. A goal early into the second half was quickly followed with another goal and despite our best efforts we struggled to score in the 5 minutes remaining. The final score was
Kings1 DBS3.
This was the team: Trevor M, Tomas , Oisin , Adam O, Dylan, Matthew B and James D.
Subs: Joshua D and Uzair.
On Sunday 18th October 2009 the year 6 team travelled to EIS to play DBS in the second match of the year. Early on in the first half it was very much even but as the game progressed we took the lead with a goal from Dylan. Unfortunately our lead did not last for long as DBS soon equalized on the counter attack.
At half time the score was 1-1 although we definitely deserved to be ahead. The second half was very different and even though we played very well, DBS just out played us. A goal early into the second half was quickly followed with another goal and despite our best efforts we struggled to score in the 5 minutes remaining. The final score was
Kings1 DBS3.
This was the team: Trevor M, Tomas , Oisin , Adam O, Dylan, Matthew B and James D.
Subs: Joshua D and Uzair.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hazel is inspired! - Another amazing person and clip!

Dear Mr Watson and 6JW,
Yesterday when we were watching the clip about Nick Vujicic, it reminded me of another man, Warren Macdonald, who I had seen on the TV on holiday. Here is part of the episode, it is the last few minutes of the episode that is shown on TV.
If you would like to see the whole thing from beginning to end, then type in 'I Shouldn't be Alive trapped under a boulder' on YouTube and start with the "1/5" section all the way through to "5/5's". He is also a motivational speaker and on Google you can find a few interviews and speeches that he has done.
I was amazed by the Nick Vujicic clip, it was so powerful and all I could think of after watching him was 'Wow'. I came home and told my parents all about him.
Our Guest Autobiographer - Mr Neil Ollier
Writing an Autobiography - Monday 19th October 2009

Year 6 were very lucky today to have Mr Ollier in class today to talk about writing an autobiography.
Neil, or Jamal's dad as we normally know him as, spoke to year 6 about his personal experiences of writing his own autbiography. We all learnt lots about autiobiographies and has the opportunity to ask and answer questions throuogout the presentation.
Neil helped us revise what an autobiography is, who might write one and who might buy one.
Neil then talked about the features a good autibiography may include, and skills, resourcses and ideas you need to write your own.
Neil then shared lots of excellent examples of how to improve our writing, by using lots of description, lots of extended sentences, some metaphors and some similes. These are all great writing skills - and some you will working on in class this week.
Thanks very much Neil from Mr Watson, Miss Bates and all of year 6! We really enjoyed your interesting and informative presentation.
Mr Watson
If you have any ideas or suggestions for the name of Neil's autobiography, all about his experiences of living in the Middle East and crossing cultural boundaries, add them as comments to this post.
Mrs Mansell has a Brain Twister!!!!
This is hysterical. You have to try this. It is absolutely true. I guess there are some things that the brain cannot handle.
You have to try this please, it takes 2 seconds. I could not believe this! It is from an orthopaedic surgeon............ This will confuse your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foot, but, you can't. It is pre-programmed in your brain!
1. While sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction.
I told you so! And there's nothing you can do about it! You and I both know how stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.
You have to try this please, it takes 2 seconds. I could not believe this! It is from an orthopaedic surgeon............ This will confuse your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foot, but, you can't. It is pre-programmed in your brain!
1. While sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction.
I told you so! And there's nothing you can do about it! You and I both know how stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.
French Quiz - Revision from Madame Bernaz
In your assessment next week, you will find a text similar to the one below…
Test yourself and see if you can answer the questions!
Je m’appelle André et j’ai onze ans. J’habite avec ma mère, mon frère et mes deux sÅ“urs. Ma mère s’appelle Aline et elle a quarante-huit ans. Mon père n’habite pas avec nous mais il s’appelle Henri et il a cinquante deux ans. Mes deux sÅ“urs s’appellent Magali et Mylène. Elles ont vingt et un et quatorze ans. Mon frère s’appelle Alan et il a seize ans.
Nous avons trois animaux à la maison : deux chiens et un cochon d’Inde. Mes chiens s’appellent Roxy et Médor et mon cochon d’Inde s’appelle Milla. Il a trois ans.
1)How many brothers and sisters does André have ?
2) How old is Mylène ?
3) Who is Aline ?
4) How old is Henri ?
5) Who is Alan ?
6) How old is he ?
7) What kind of animals does he have ?
8) How old is Milla ?
Answers are with Mr Watson!
Test yourself and see if you can answer the questions!
Je m’appelle André et j’ai onze ans. J’habite avec ma mère, mon frère et mes deux sÅ“urs. Ma mère s’appelle Aline et elle a quarante-huit ans. Mon père n’habite pas avec nous mais il s’appelle Henri et il a cinquante deux ans. Mes deux sÅ“urs s’appellent Magali et Mylène. Elles ont vingt et un et quatorze ans. Mon frère s’appelle Alan et il a seize ans.
Nous avons trois animaux à la maison : deux chiens et un cochon d’Inde. Mes chiens s’appellent Roxy et Médor et mon cochon d’Inde s’appelle Milla. Il a trois ans.
1)How many brothers and sisters does André have ?
2) How old is Mylène ?
3) Who is Aline ?
4) How old is Henri ?
5) Who is Alan ?
6) How old is he ?
7) What kind of animals does he have ?
8) How old is Milla ?
Answers are with Mr Watson!
Madame Bernaz says....
Bonjour a tous!
This is madame Bernaz speaking.
I just wanted to remind you to write a little message to your French pen-friend as they are eager for news from you!
Hannah and Francesca- I know we were still waiting to hear from your pen-friend but could you please drop her a line (or two?).I also remind you of the email address to send the messages to: alexia.charreton@orange.fr
Bon courage!Madame Bernaz
This is madame Bernaz speaking.
I just wanted to remind you to write a little message to your French pen-friend as they are eager for news from you!
Hannah and Francesca- I know we were still waiting to hear from your pen-friend but could you please drop her a line (or two?).I also remind you of the email address to send the messages to: alexia.charreton@orange.fr
Bon courage!Madame Bernaz
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Real-life hero!
Andy Warhol byRose
King of the Week (6JW) - Review of the Week (James D on week 6)

King of the week
I really enjoyed being King of the week and loved all the nice things that were said about me. It made me feel really good. It was funny when i picked my own name out, and a bit strange.... Im very greatful for all my friends and I am happy at kings dubai.
I love it.
Thankyou all for the nice comments you said and thanks to Mr Watson aswell for a nice comment.
I will try my best to give all of you nice comments aswell,
James D
I really enjoyed being King of the week and loved all the nice things that were said about me. It made me feel really good. It was funny when i picked my own name out, and a bit strange.... Im very greatful for all my friends and I am happy at kings dubai.
I love it.
Thankyou all for the nice comments you said and thanks to Mr Watson aswell for a nice comment.
I will try my best to give all of you nice comments aswell,
James D
Tomas on Warhol
My favourite Andy Warhol picture is....

The reason I like this photo is that I find the colours very intresting and it is not to bright or to dark. The picture is also very famous around the worldwide.
Many Thanks,
Many Thanks,
King of the Week (6JW) Week 6 - James D

Congratulations to James D who is the this week's King of the Week in 6JW.
It was very easy to think of lots of positive compliments and comments about James.
James we think that you:
are great fun to play with
are kind and helpful
are mature and very funny
are a good friend
are a good sportsman and make everyone laugh
know how to have a joke
are caring and funny
are helpful
are a good house captain
are funny and can take a joke but know when to be sensible
are caring to others
are a best friend
are a good friend
have a heart of gold
are good to play with outside and fun to work with inside
you work with enthusiasm and positivity
Well done for being such a great member of the class and a wonderful person!
Add any more positive comments about James to this post.
Mr Watson
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Hazel likes Ice-cream!

Icecream Dessert
This is my favourite picture because:
It is colourful
It has a light background with a bold main subject, which stands out so you can see it really easily
If you look closely at the cone you can see a cool pattern, which reminds me of a tall gate in London
Its peaceful and relaxing
I like the way the three icecream scoops are all kind of connecting colours, red and white mixed makes pink e.t.c
And most of all... Its YUMMY!!!!!!!
This is my favourite picture because:
It is colourful
It has a light background with a bold main subject, which stands out so you can see it really easily
If you look closely at the cone you can see a cool pattern, which reminds me of a tall gate in London
Its peaceful and relaxing
I like the way the three icecream scoops are all kind of connecting colours, red and white mixed makes pink e.t.c
And most of all... Its YUMMY!!!!!!!
Francesca is testing our brains!
Francesca sent Mr Watson a brilliant email with lots of brain teasers and optical illusions. Check some of them out below - do they mess with your mind?
Brain Stuff . . From Cambridge University . Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!
Brain Stuff . . From Cambridge University . Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!
Francesca's Favourite Warhol work

Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol
I like Marilyn Monroe because :
· It’s got a lot of colour
· She’s glamorous
· Because the picture has a lot of body
· She is a national icon in America and also the world
· It is interesting the way he used a photograph to paint over which was called pop art
Francesca B
I like Marilyn Monroe because :
· It’s got a lot of colour
· She’s glamorous
· Because the picture has a lot of body
· She is a national icon in America and also the world
· It is interesting the way he used a photograph to paint over which was called pop art
Francesca B
17 October 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Andy Warhol - Homework Research

These websites below will help you to research Andy Warhol. there will be lots more on the internet too - so if you find a good one let us all know!
A great site:
Interesting & interactive quiz
Interesting & interactive quiz
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The amazing talent of Evelyn Glennie
Re-watch this amazing link:
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fun Angle link
Angles - use this link to imporve your angles understanding:
Thursday, October 8, 2009
KS 2 bring a thunder storm to assembly
KS2 created a thunderstorm for the rest of the school in assembly - you were brilliant!
Have a listen - turn it up and have another listen to the thunder and rain!
Have a listen - turn it up and have another listen to the thunder and rain!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Mr Watson's KS2 Assembly Link - Africa song
Thanks for being part of the 'thunder storm' today!!!
You were all brilliant. ;-)
If you want to watch the clip again , click the link below:
Mr Watson
You were all brilliant. ;-)
If you want to watch the clip again , click the link below:
Mr Watson
CHECK THESE OUT - Links you have foundf or our theme
(James D)
http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY LUCY!!!
(Both found by Lucy)
1. www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/.../variation/play.shtml or google classification and variation ks2
2. www.bbc.co.uk /schools/scienceclips/10_11/inderpendance.shtml
3. www.encyclopedia.com
(3 from Uzair)
Mr Watson,
Here are some good links I have found:
Josh P
Here is some websites that I found hope you enjoy them! On the second link its got a quiz at the end of the viewing. On the third link it explains Variation and Classification. By Charlotte
(all 3 from Charlotte)
(James D)
http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY LUCY!!!
(Both found by Lucy)
1. www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/.../variation/play.shtml or google classification and variation ks2
2. www.bbc.co.uk /schools/scienceclips/10_11/inderpendance.shtml
3. www.encyclopedia.com
(3 from Uzair)
Mr Watson,
Here are some good links I have found:
Josh P
Here is some websites that I found hope you enjoy them! On the second link its got a quiz at the end of the viewing. On the third link it explains Variation and Classification. By Charlotte
(all 3 from Charlotte)
Rose's link!
hello everyone yr 6!! :)
If you don't have a dictionary at home then go onto this site and type your word in it will then tell you the definition!!
And if you dont know how to say the word it will come up with a speaker that you can press to her the wor clearly.
so try it now!
from Rose 6lb :) :P :D
If you don't have a dictionary at home then go onto this site and type your word in it will then tell you the definition!!
And if you dont know how to say the word it will come up with a speaker that you can press to her the wor clearly.
so try it now!
from Rose 6lb :) :P :D
Rachel's link!
This is a year 7 link but, I thought I would put it on anyway,
Alizaky's link!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Variation & Classification Homework Links
Tuesday 6th October 2009 - Homework Links for Variation and Classification
The millions of types of living things can be organised into categories, where we group together organisms with similar features. This is called the classification system.
Variation between individuals in a species can be continuous or discontinuous, inherited or environmental.
Use the links below to investigate, learn and enjoy:
a little bit for younger children but still fun and useful:
a little but nore detailed (ks3 work) but I think you can read this and get lots from it:
another interesting link - ways of classifying animals:
interactive link:
Mr Watson
The millions of types of living things can be organised into categories, where we group together organisms with similar features. This is called the classification system.
Variation between individuals in a species can be continuous or discontinuous, inherited or environmental.
Use the links below to investigate, learn and enjoy:
a little bit for younger children but still fun and useful:
a little but nore detailed (ks3 work) but I think you can read this and get lots from it:
another interesting link - ways of classifying animals:
interactive link:
Mr Watson
Useful: Spellings and Definitions for Vaiation & Classification Theme
Useful: Spellings and Definitions
amphibian - Vertebrate with smooth damp skin that lays soft eggs in water
animal - Living thing that is not a plant
arachnid - Animal with 4 pairs of jointed legs, e.g. spiders
bird - Vertebrate with feathers that lays hard eggs on land
characteristic - Another word for feature
classification - Putting things into groups
environmental variation - Differences that have happened since birth, caused by our surroundings
feature - How an organism looks or behaves
fish - Vertebrate with scales, fins and gills
inherited variation - Differences that have been passed on genetically from our parents
insect - Animal with three pairs of jointed legs, a segmented body and external skeleton
invertebrate - An animal without a backbone
mammal - Vertebrate with hair or fur that gives birth to live young
mollusc - Animal with a fleshy pad which it crawls on, e.g. snail
organism - Any living thing
reptile - Vertebrate with scales that lays soft eggs on land
segments - Parts of the body of some invertebrates
species - Group of organisms that can breed to produce fertile offspring
variation - Differences between organisms
vertebrate - An animal with a backbone
amphibian - Vertebrate with smooth damp skin that lays soft eggs in water
animal - Living thing that is not a plant
arachnid - Animal with 4 pairs of jointed legs, e.g. spiders
bird - Vertebrate with feathers that lays hard eggs on land
characteristic - Another word for feature
classification - Putting things into groups
environmental variation - Differences that have happened since birth, caused by our surroundings
feature - How an organism looks or behaves
fish - Vertebrate with scales, fins and gills
inherited variation - Differences that have been passed on genetically from our parents
insect - Animal with three pairs of jointed legs, a segmented body and external skeleton
invertebrate - An animal without a backbone
mammal - Vertebrate with hair or fur that gives birth to live young
mollusc - Animal with a fleshy pad which it crawls on, e.g. snail
organism - Any living thing
reptile - Vertebrate with scales that lays soft eggs on land
segments - Parts of the body of some invertebrates
species - Group of organisms that can breed to produce fertile offspring
variation - Differences between organisms
vertebrate - An animal with a backbone
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
King of the Week (6JW) - Review of the Week
I was picked out of the tin and sat in the middle of the circle full
of 6JW faces.
I was complimented by everyone which made me feel good but slightly awkward.
One of the first things I did was taking the register down.
We did assessment week which I think everyone stood up to very well.
Some of the tests were enjoyable like the short writing test.
The Guess Who game was great and I really enjoyed it.
I am looking forward to seeing who the next King Of The Week will be.
Adam B
of 6JW faces.
I was complimented by everyone which made me feel good but slightly awkward.
One of the first things I did was taking the register down.
We did assessment week which I think everyone stood up to very well.
Some of the tests were enjoyable like the short writing test.
The Guess Who game was great and I really enjoyed it.
I am looking forward to seeing who the next King Of The Week will be.
Adam B
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It's good to be....Mrs Kenny
Hi My name is Mrs Kenny and I come form Crowthorne, Berkshire in the south of England.
I have lived in the Middle East for about 7 years. At school i was quite a sporty person, being in the swim swuad, hockey team, gymnastics squad and even managing to compete at county level in the 200metres hurdles and trampolining. I just loved sports. Now it is another story - I like to run, swim and walk (showing my age!). Music, I like old and new. really like Skint and Demoralized - Lipstick at the moment. I know lots of tunes, but never the titles....
more to follow
I have lived in the Middle East for about 7 years. At school i was quite a sporty person, being in the swim swuad, hockey team, gymnastics squad and even managing to compete at county level in the 200metres hurdles and trampolining. I just loved sports. Now it is another story - I like to run, swim and walk (showing my age!). Music, I like old and new. really like Skint and Demoralized - Lipstick at the moment. I know lots of tunes, but never the titles....
more to follow
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